Buy Elephant Ear Plant For Your Living Space | Care Tips

Many online posts give you this information, but on this one, you will also get additional buyer tips for getting any plant or just being a better shopper. It is exactly how it sounds; an elephant ear plant is an Araceae with actual leaves that look like elephant ears. You can only imagine using this plant to decorate your home and having onlookers talk to you about deja vus and their trips to Africa. Plants usually have thousands of species connected with just one family, but this endearing plant has the size and presence to blow lookers away, much like its namesake. So if a vivacious plant is what you want, look no further than here to learn more about them.
Plant Care and Tips
Only water the plant when the top half of the soil is more than 50% dry. By sticking your finger into the soil and sensing the moisture content, you may test this. In general, the plant only has to be watered once each week.
Pro Tip: Your Elephant Ear plant will “weep” or drop water from the tip of the leaf to let you know if it receives too much water. |
Soil and Pot Care
You can make or use your own organic soil Standard organic potting soil that has been mixed 50-50. Try planting in potting soil that is loose yet drains nicely. Mixed Universal compost, orchid bark, peat and perlite will work.
Pro Tip:Try using a combination of peat moss, leaf compost, perlite, and vermiculite to fill the pots. |
Humidity and Light
When grown inside, elephant ear plants require strong sunlight but avoid direct midday sunlight. Move it to a brighter area if the leaves look bleached or burned. They thrive in the light shade outside, but since they are tropical plants, they can be vulnerable to cold or dry weather. Put away from direct sunlight but next to a window towards the south or west, or leaves will burn. Humidity is essential: Place a plant on a saucer with pebbles and water to create a humid atmosphere.
Elephant Ears do well in well-draining soil rich in organic materials, such as compost or manure. An excellent choice that offers a good nutritional balance is a water-soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer. Elephant Ears plants can also be fed with Miracle-Gro all-purpose fertilizer. It is a heavy feeder and will need fertilizer applied frequently, particularly during the growing season. Once a month to ensure the plant gets all the nutrition it needs.
Pests and Diseases
Fungal leaf blight is the Elephant Ear plant’s most prevalent disease. When they are at least 4 weeks old, apply a copper fungicide. When it’s raining, apply copper fungicide every week; when it’s dry, apply it every two weeks. To maintain them free of dust and pests, gently wipe off the large leaves with a moist towel.
Finding A Plant Store – Tips
Support a business near you by buying from them. Many plant stores sell very good quality and nurtured plants. Going to unreliable dealers is not as viable of a choice because they don’t put as much effort into the quality and care of the plant before the sale. So, choose a store that cares; you see this by observing their choices as a store; do they have events and leaflets to guide customers? Do they treat you well when you go shopping there? These factors mean a lot. This will help you learn more about plants and the market you buy from. Match with an online store with photos or search heterogeneous markets to see where your choice is best.
Anyways, shopping for plants is fun, so why wouldn’t you? Learn about all plants and, of course, the mighty elephant ear plant. Hope this blog post helped.